::     STORE LOCATION     ::

Contact Information

  • Store Location:
  • 16134 Sherman Way
    Van Nuys, CA 91406

  • Regular Sales Hour:
  • Monday - Saturday: 9am to 6pm (PST)

  • Contact Numbers:
  • 818.988.9542
    818.988.9683 (Fax)

  • Email Addresses:
  • General Sales & Customer Services

    John Park
    Sean Kim
    Sang Lee

    Julie Kim
    Chul Ki Choi
    Tim Lee
    Tae Hyun Kim
    Rafael Lopez
    ♦ President
    ♦ Sales & Marketing Director
    ♦ Web Administrator

    ♦ Accountant
    ♦ DVR Technician
    ♦ Sales Assistant
    ♦ Computer Hardware Technician
    ♦ DVR Installer

  • Online Contacts:
  • Homepage:
      › www.sablue.com

    Live Messenger:
      › jonghyun_143@msn.com
      › mattalk2@hotmail.com

  • Please Note that our store is closed on All National Holidays with some occasional exceptions.